Kit includes 5 x 48 Measuring Points for 1 Sample if tested in 5 strains, 3 Replicates, 6 Dilutions, +/- S9, Negative and Positive Controls.
Not included in the kit: S9 cofactor solutions, microplates
Ames MPF Kit is a liquid microplate fluctuation assay kit, standardized and quality controlled. It is a ready to use Kit for the Ames mutagenicity assay and includes 10 vials each of semisolid TA98, TA100, TA1535, TA1537, E.coli WP2 uvrA(pKM101), Booster, Growth -, Exposure -, Reversion Indicator Media, Positive Controls, lyophilized Post-Mitochondrial Supernatant S9 from Phenobarbital/Naphtoflavone induced rat liver. The assay is using the same strains, positives controls and rat liver S9, cofactors as listed in OECD 471 and is quality controlled according to OECD 471. The liquid media used in this assay allow to test successfully pharmaceuticals, (agro-)chemicals, cosmetics, water, soil, many publication are referenced on this homepage. Especially volatile compounds, or genotoxic impurities available in low quantities, e.g. nitrosamines can be tested successfully with the Ames MPF.
The Ames test is a bacterial mutation reversion assay which evaluates the mutagenic potential of chemical, pharmaceutical or cosmetic substances, food additives, food packaging material, mixtures, drinking-, waste water or soils. The bacterial strains carry several mutations that inactivate the gene involved in the synthesis of histidine (s.typhimurium) or tryptophan (E.coli), i.e. they grow only in a medium supplemented with either his or trp. Mutagens induce mutations which may restore the ability of the bacteria to re-synthesize the amino acid (his or trp) and to grow in medium without his or trp. Growth of bacteria induces a pH shift which is easily detected by the yellow color due to the pH-indicator included in the medium.
S9 buffer salts are not included in the kit and available separately: S9 Cofactor Kit (Art.No. PCO-0800)
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